Personal injury cases that end going to court are different than settlements in several ways. The most striking difference for victims might be the monetary damage award decided upon by the jury. Taking a case to court doesn't just cost more in legal fees and time spent, but the amount you end up with is influenced by different factors than that of a settlement. Read on to find out about the key factors that determine how much you will walk away with after a court judgment.
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Riding a motorcycle should be an exciting and freeing experience for the cyclist. But when driving, you cannot account for the behaviors of others. If another driver changed lanes in an unsafe way and caused an accident, you might be able to pursue a lawsuit against them.
Unsafe Lane Changes Cause Many Motorcycle Accidents
Unsafe lane changes are often considered one of the most common causes of motorcycle accidents. These occur when another driver juts into a lane with a cyclist in a way that puts the life of the cyclist at risk.
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Being involved in an auto accident is a very frightening experience, especially when you consider just how difficult and time-consuming a vehicle accident case can be when you're trying to get the money that you deserve for the damage to your vehicle and your physical injuries. However, there are a few things that you can do to make your vehicle accident case stronger so that your attorney has an easier time getting you the money that you need, such as the two things listed below.
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Are you trying to decide whether to spring for a lawyer in your upcoming DUI case? You don't always need a lawyer to represent you in a DUI trial, but there are certain cases where it can help a lot. Here are some situations where a DUI lawyer can make the difference in your trial.
When You Were Near the Legal Limit
If you were near the legal limit of .
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It's fairly common to sue for lost wages and income after being involved in a motorcycle accident. After all, that's money you would have earned had you not been too hurt to work. But is it possible to recover compensation for opportunities and prospects lost because of the accident? Yes, but convincing a judge or jury to do so may be challenging. Here's what you need to consider if you want to pursue a claim for lost opportunities.
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