
How Common Carrier Laws Can Help With Accident Liability Claims

Common carriers such as ships, buses, and airlines have laws and regulations that they are expected to follow. Below are some of the laws and how their breakage can lead to liability claims. Safe Entry Ways and Exits Many people get injured while boarding or exiting buses, trains, or planes. Uneven steps, damaged doors, slippery surfaces, and missing handrails are some of the common causes of these types of accidents. For example, some buses have retractable footsteps that might not extend fully in case of a malfunction. Read More 

Why Do Deathbed Wills Make Probate So Difficult?

Writing a will isn't anyone's favorite activity, but life (and death) can come at you fast. Proper estate planning helps to provide you with peace of mind and ensures that your family can proceed through the probate process smoothly. Unfortunately, many people put off drafting this document until it is far too late. While any written will is usually better than no will at all, deathbed wills can create contentious issues for surviving family members. Read More 

What Issues Can an Association Attorney Address?

Operating an association to deal with challenges faced by people who live close to each other can make a big difference. There are, however, several legal challenges that come along with forming and running an association. Here are four concerns an association attorney may be able to help you with. Incorporation Unincorporated associations do exist, but it is wise to get a formal legal framework in place. This can answer one of the most basic questions: " Read More 

What Is Divorce Mediation And Why Do Couples Use It?

In any divorce situation, one of the steps a couple must take is to determine how to split everything, including their assets, debts, and kids. While this can be hard to do, you might find that it is easier to make these decisions if you use divorce mediation. Here is an explanation of what divorce mediation is and why a lot of couples use it for their divorce. What it is Read More 

What You Should Find Out Before You Pick Your Family Lawyer

Family legal issues are always a touchy subject. You need to hire the best attorney to help you. You should do proper research before you choose an attorney. No matter if you are dealing with a divorce, custody, alimony, or any other family law matter, you need someone qualified on your side. Here are some things you should do as you search for a family law attorney: Find Out How Long He or She Has Worked in Family Law Read More