Going Through A Divorce? Why You Definitely Need To Hire An Attorney

Divorcing from someone that you previously envisioned sharing a lifetime with can be a very difficult thing.  Along with the emotional aspect of the situation, you also have to contend with splitting up all of the things that you've worked to obtain together.  If you and your former mate are on relatively amicable terms, you may think that a lawyer is unnecessary.  You view it as an additional expense that you'll have to come up with. Read More 

Unusual Questions & Situations in Bankruptcy

If you are about to file for bankruptcy, you may have a lot of questions for your bankruptcy attorney. You can ask all the questions you want, since the attorney will know the answers. However, there are certain unusual questions and situations in bankruptcy that may present a problem for you, and you should carefully reflect on these before asking about them. Can You Keep One Credit Card and Continue Making Charges? Read More 

The Bail System: Unequal Justice Under The Law

Many lawmakers are beginning to attempt to take action in reforming the inequalities of the traditional practice of granting bail to defendants awaiting trial for criminal charges. This system was designed to allow criminal defendants to remain free until their trial so they can fulfill their obligations to employers and family, but it promotes a separate justice system for the rich and poor who are charged with the same crimes. Read More