3 Key Types Of Evidence After Your Car Accident

If you have been involved in a car accident and are thinking about hiring an attorney to help you put together a case, you might be wondering what type of evidence you should provide. Being able to make a strong case is important, so remember these three key types of evidence after your car accident.

1. Proof of Your Injuries

If you were injured because of the car accident, you will want to be able to prove it. Seeking medical attention and saving any doctor's notes and medical bills is critical. If your injuries are visible, such as if you have severe burns, scrapes, or bruising, taking pictures of your injuries before they heal — which could happen before your case is fully developed — is also smart. You can even keep a daily journal or diary in which you document your injuries, doctor's appointments, and the healing process. Then, you can provide evidence and "jog your memory" later on.

2. Proof of Damage to Your Vehicle

Even if your vehicle is a total loss, it's not time to have it scrapped just yet. Keeping the vehicle will help ensure that you can provide evidence of just how damaged it was. Take plenty of pictures from all angles of your vehicle to get a clear picture of just what it looked like after the accident occurred.

3. Evidence of Damaged Goods from Your Vehicle

Depending on the type and severity of your accident, there is a chance that it wasn't just you and your vehicle that were damaged during the accident — there might be damaged goods from inside your car that can serve as evidence, too. Along with keeping your torn or otherwise damaged clothing after the wreck, make sure that you keep any child car seats or booster seats or any other items from inside your vehicle that might have been damaged. This can help you give a clear depiction of just how serious the accident was.

Even if you have a solid, legitimate case, your auto accident lawyer is going to want as much proof as possible in order to help with your case. Luckily, there are a few different types of evidence that you can keep and provide. Thinking about these three types of key evidence and talking to your lawyer about other types of evidence that might be relevant in your particular situation can help you fight against the insurance company and get the case ending that you deserve.
