Don’t Do These Things If You Are A Victim Of Hit And Run Accident

Being the victim of a hit and run accident can is frustrating, but you need to keep your cool so that you don't complicate your case. Here are three things you should never do in such a situation:

Chasing the Other Driver

Chains the other driver, either in anger or to identify them, is dangerous on more than one level. First, it will interfere with your ability to collect and preserve evidence. It's advisable to stay on the scene of the accident to take pictures (of the damages and skid marks, among other things), and get witness information. However, you won't get time to do this if you are chasing the other driver; the witnesses may not be there by the time you come back. Apart from that, you won't be in your "right mind" while chasing the other driver, which increases your chances of getting involved in another accident. Lastly, if you caught up to the other motorist, there are high chances that both of you will be angry at each other, and a road rage situation may ensure.

Leaving the Scene of the Crash Before the Police Arrive

Just because the other driver has left the scene doesn't mean that you should do it too. Chasing the other driver is bad (as outlined above), but leaving the scene (unless you are injured and need to go to the hospital) is also bad. In fact, many jurisdictions will charge you with a criminal offense for fleeing the scene of the accident. Apart from that, your insurer may also penalize you (by hiking your rates or canceling your coverage). If you are eventually found liable for the crash, you will pay higher damages if you left the scene than you would have paid if you had stayed. Wait for the authorities to arrive before leaving for home.

Relying On At-Home-Treatment

Whenever you are injured in a car crash, you need to get medical treatment from conventional medical professionals. Even if you are hurt in a hit and ran accident, don't go home because you think the other driver won't be available to settle your medical bills. Quality medical care is necessary not only necessary for your well-being, but also to help you with any personal injury case you may pursue. Don't forget that the police will look for the hit-and-run motorist, especially if you stayed on the scene to preserve evidence and get witnesses' contacts. If the perpetrator is found, and you lodge a successful claim against them, you may not get a sizable settlement if you didn't seek prompt medical attention from qualified medics.

For more information, contact a local attorney.
