Injured On The Job? 4 Worker’s Compensation Mistakes To Avoid

Whether you work in a manufacturing facility, warehouse, office, or grocery store, injuries on the job may occur. From a burn from a faulty machine or severe carpal tunnel syndrome to a slip and fall or accident on the forklift, the likeliness of a workplace injury is high. As a matter of fact, an estimated 4.1 million workers are injured or become ill each year on the job. These injuries can affect your physical health, but they can also lead to emotional distress and financial troubles. Because of these risks, filing for worker's compensation benefits is imperative. If you were recently injured on the job, make sure to avoid these common mistakes to ensure you receive proper compensation.

Reporting Problems

One of the worst things you can do is to wait to report your injury. It is imperative to notify your supervisor as soon as you are injured or experiencing symptoms of an illness. Your employer will need to document your injury report with a date, time, and consult any witnesses who may have seen the accident or injury occur.

Waiting for symptoms to go away or waiting to report until you are able to see your own doctor can cause many problems. Not only could injuries or illnesses become worse during this time, but waiting to report will cause your employers and attorney to believe you are not serious about your condition.

Take your injury seriously and report it to reduce your risk of a denial of your worker's comp benefits.


Filing a worker's comp claim should be taken seriously, so make sure to avoid lying to your employer, attorney, and medical professionals.

Do not exaggerate your injury or your symptoms, since your doctor will provide your employer and attorney with actual medical records and test results.

The truth will always come out, so avoid lying to prevent the insurance company and legal professionals from feeling negative about your character.

Declining Work

If your injury or illness is preventing you from working in your existing position, filing for benefits makes sense because you are unable to work. However, many employers will work with your doctor to find a position that meets your current needs. This allows you to continue working, even though you are in a different position, to earn income while you are injured or sick.

Unfortunately, many workers feel they should not have to work at all after an injury and they will decline the new position offered by their employer. This is never smart to do, since the declining of work will show the employer and legal professionals involved in your case you do not care about your actual job.

Passing up on potential work and income can decrease the validity of your worker's comp claim.

Being Unrealistic

Last but not least, having realistic expectations is essential to receiving your benefits in an efficient, stress free manner.

Do not believe you are going to win a million dollar case against your employer because of your injury or illness. Avoid asking for an excessive amount of compensation up front because this can decrease your chances of securing a fair and realistic settlement.

Avoid any unrealistic expectations you may have regarding your injury, your future with your employer, and your financial compensation. This is especially important if you want effective medical care and reasonable compensation.

Suffering from an injury or illness from your place of employment is not pleasant, but proper understanding can help you through the process of filing a worker's comp claim. Avoid these mistakes and trust your legal team to improve your chances of speedy and effective benefits.
