Starting Over - Life After Bankruptcy

Get Help Setting Up Your 501©(3) Organization

If you are going to run a charity or non-profit, you need to make sure that you have it set up correctly. For that, you need to make sure that you are set up as a 501(c)(3) entity.  501(c)(3) The 501(c)(3) category is something set up by the IRS. It allows an entity to be tax-exempt. Among other things, this allows people who donate to your non-profit or charity to claim their donations as deductions on their taxes. Read More 

Three Tips To Help You Deal With A Multicultural Marriage And Children

With societies today becoming increasingly global, multicultural marriages are also increasing. There can be many complications with marriage across borders, which includes things like visas, documents and paperwork. If you have children, there are more challenges with documenting births, citizenships and financial investments. If you are in a multicultural relationship and planning on having children, here are some tips that you may want to consider:    1.  Registering Births At Embassies And Consulate Offices Read More 

4 Common Reasons Social Security Disability Claims Are Rejected

Some 70 percent of initial claims for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) are denied. The appeals process can take many months, and fewer than half are approved. If you want to avoid this situation, learn about some common reasons that the Social Security Administration (SSA) rejects applications so you can avoid problems.  Common Reasons for Claim Denial Your Disability Won't Last More Than 11 Months. An injury or illness must be expected to cause disability for at least 12 months or the administration will reject the application. Read More 

5 Types Of Damages In A Bed Bug Personal Injury Case

Bed bugs have become a problem for some hotels and apartment buildings. The small parasitic insects, which can hide in tiny cracks and crevices, are difficult to eradicate. If you have suffered bed bug bites while sleeping in a hotel or apartment, you may be seeking compensation for your personal injuries. Here are some of the damages that may be compensated in a bed bug personal injury case:    Medical Expenses Read More 

Can You Sue For Loss Of Opportunity And Prospects?

It's fairly common to sue for lost wages and income after being involved in a motorcycle accident. After all, that's money you would have earned had you not been too hurt to work. But is it possible to recover compensation for opportunities and prospects lost because of the accident? Yes, but convincing a judge or jury to do so may be challenging. Here's what you need to consider if you want to pursue a claim for lost opportunities. Read More